Grilled Smoked Hazelnut Cookies

   Average         45 minutes

Chocolove Recipe: Grilled Smoked Hazelnut Cookies

Try this unique twist on classic cookies! Our Grilled Smoked Hazelnut Cookies, made with Chocolove Hazelnuts in Milk Chocolate premium Belgian chocolate, combine the subtle smokiness of grilling with creamy milk chocolate and crunchy hazelnut goodness. This delightful combination creates a flavor profile that is both familiar and intriguingly new. Perfect for impressing guests or enjoying a gourmet treat at home, these cookies are a must-try for any chocolate lover.


Matcha Shortbread Chocolate Dipped Cookies

   Average         90 minutes

Take your taste buds on a tantalizing journey as you savor our Matcha Shortbread decadently dipped in Chocolove Ruby Chocolate or Chocolove Extreme 88% Dark Chocolate – a delicious blend of the familiar and the exotic, combining the timeless appeal of shortbread with the vibrant, natural flavors of matcha.

The sweet, buttery essence and delicate crumbly texture of the shortbread perfectly harmonize with the earthy steamed green notes and umami richness of matcha, creating a cookie that is both traditional and refreshingly modern.
